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A Letter From the Editors

Dear IPD Philly community,

Happy autumn equinox once again from Indigenous Peoples’ Day Philly Inc! We have some exciting news! The sixth annual Indigenous Peoples’ Day Philly 2022 celebrations will be on Monday, October 10th, from 11 AM to 5 PM EDT at Shackamaxon (Penn Treaty Park)! 

On top of our imminent festivities, we have a lot of information for you! We seek to celebrate Indigenous feminisms, women, girls, two-spirits, and trans folks. We aim to raise awareness of issues that disproportionately impact these communities and want to offer ways you can help out. 

Our newsletter amplifies organizations, movements, and media that address these issues so you can learn more. This includes issues such as colonial histories of human trafficking being the road map for Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirit people (MMIWG2S) across the Americas today.

We center the voices and perspectives of Indigenous women, girls, two-spirit, and trans folks by sharing book recommendations and art installations from within the community. We also feature Lenape-focused stories to shed light on the history and ongoing resistance of the Lenni-Lenape in their own words.

2022 will be the second year since Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney declared Indigenous Peoples’ Day an official holiday in the city! We’re so excited to gather with you all once again!

There are a few ways you can help make this event a success:


Click here to go back to our Fall Newsletter!

Thank You,

IPD Philly – Board & Editors

Read Our Current and Past Newsletters:

NOTE: This publication was established in the Lenape-Unami territory known as Lenapehoking | U.S.A on Indigenous Land

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